Welcome to dot.

An idea for a global fashion company which empowers creatives, small businesses, craftspeople and customers.

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There are two ways of reacting to the shortcomings of the fashion industry. You can expose the industry verbally, or you can build an alternative. The latter has the advantage that you expose the inadequacies by creating something new.

dot. is a possible alternative to fashion companies as we know them, and it addresses all pressing questions such as sustainability, working conditions, mental health and more.

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The core

At the core of the ideas for dot. is The Millions of Dwarfs Approach. In short: create locally, offer globally, produce locally. Or in other words, dot.international will provide the framework for millions of small businesses around the world to partake on the global market.

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A simplified example

A designer in Paraguay offers their cardigans on the dot.website. A customer in Riga orders a cardigan, and the dot.workshop in Riga produces it.

The designer receives a percentage for the design. The workshop in Riga strengthens the local economy. The customer has access to products from around the world without supporting exploitation or incurring transportation costs. And the planet has less waste to deal with, because only ordered products will be produced.

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The blueprint

The ideas for dot. can be used as a blueprint for other business sectors such as footwear, toys, publishing, pharmaceuticals, Fine Art Prints, furniture and probably even beer. Some of these business ideas are briefly introduced on the dot.tour, and more are discussed in the dot.international book.

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Maybe now you are wondering

What’s dot. to me? Why should I care how a company is run?
Well, if you don’t care how the products you buy are made, then exploitation, discrimination and the destruction of our planet will continue. If you do care, nothing is impossible, and we will all be better off for it.

or download the dot.tour


dot.story by Charlie Alice Raya, book cover, a colourful tartan pattern because part of the story is set in Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh, Tunis and the world

The dot.story illustrates the ideas for dot. while connecting it to all corners of the planet and playing a role in the worlds largest theatre festival: the Edinburgh Fringe.

The story starts with Leathan, a young designer in Edinburgh, who begins to work with dot. at a time when the local dot.station is in trouble. Together with Calli, a local dot.designer who takes him under her wings, they come up with an idea for the Edinburgh festivals in August. An idea that gets everyone talking — and laughing, and that might turn the dot.station’s fate.

Preview: Leathan in Edinburgh

Background: Scotland, the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the dot.story, and me


268 pages, 69k words

77 pages, 13k words

2 files pdf files, optimised for mobile phone & tablet

  • dot.story & appendix
  • dot.tour


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